Portfolio Arts Careers with Bryony Taylor, Theatre Producer - Dance City

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Newcastle Sunderland

Portfolio Arts Careers with Bryony Taylor, Theatre Producer

Thu 16 Nov 2023 3:11pm
Running time: 30 minutes
Age: 16+
Tickets: £0.00
What does a freelancer do?

A full-time career in dance (and the arts, more generally), might seem a little scary. Bryony is a freelance theatre producer that has worked with dancers in the big musicals in the West End across the USA.

Using her own story to becoming a full-time freelance arts professional, this session will think about how you might sustain a career in dance: what other careers might support you, and how might you diversify your skillset to sustain a career in dance?

This workshop is aimed at those looking to embark on a career in the arts post-degree/training, but will be valuable to those considering if an arts degree/training is for them.
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