Wed 09 Mar 2022 7:30pm
Running time: 90 minutes TBC
Age: 14+
Tickets: £9.50
Concessions: £8.00
Concessions: £8.00
Physically ambitious, strikingly original dance.
VERVE’s exceptional dancers restage Vertical Road by Akram Khan – an award-winning work by one of the world’s most renowned choreographers - and perform two bold new commissions by acclaimed international artists Sita Ostheimer and Alesandra Seutin.
VERVE is the resident postgraduate company of Northern School of Contemporary Dance (NSCD).
SENSORY NOTE! One work includes flashing lights unsuitable for those who are photosensitive or who have epilepsy.
Image credit: Vertical Road by Akram Khan photography Chris Nash
VERVE’s exceptional dancers restage Vertical Road by Akram Khan – an award-winning work by one of the world’s most renowned choreographers - and perform two bold new commissions by acclaimed international artists Sita Ostheimer and Alesandra Seutin.
VERVE is the resident postgraduate company of Northern School of Contemporary Dance (NSCD).
SENSORY NOTE! One work includes flashing lights unsuitable for those who are photosensitive or who have epilepsy.
Image credit: Vertical Road by Akram Khan photography Chris Nash