Tuesday 23 March 2021 marks one year since the UK went into lockdown to save lives and protect the public and NHS from the coronavirus pandemic. To acknowledge the anniversary, Dance City is presenting a unique concept – a 12 minute live dance stream, on the hour, every hour across twelve hours from 12pm.

We’d love for you to get involved in this in three ways:




For a suggested £12 donation, you can SUPPORT our TWELVE Crowdfunder campaign which will go directly to creating a new commissioning opportunity for North East dance artists, enabling the development of new work within the region. Information can be found HERE.

Not only that but your donation will also afford you the opportunity to join us at the SOUP event on Thursday 25 March, where you can see the creative pitches for investment and assist the decision-making process, as three of the successful recipients of the SOUP bursary will be decided by you…the audience via a democratic vote, more info can be found HERE

You can STREAM the event on the day and immerse yourself in the talent and passion of the performers and CELEBRATE not only the twelve pieces of work but also the resilience of the performers and the wider arts and culture network, who have faced many challenges throughout the last twelve months as a result of the impact that COVID-19 has had on the sector.

Dance City is fully committed to supporting dance artists in the North East and beyond, providing free studio space, free daily classes and a full range of financial and in-kind support to professional dance artists. We would love you to assist us in being able to continue to offer this invaluable support by pledging £12 – or any multiple of 12! – to our TWELVE Crowdfunder and being part of the SOUP audience, voting for the successful recipients.

If the £12 suggested donation is a little too high, please feel free to contribute whatever you feel is appropriate, we are extremely grateful for every donation we receive and your ongoing support.

Phil Douglas, Director of Artist Development and Artistic Programmes at Dance City said: “We have seen how vital the arts are to people during lockdown and now we want to celebrate talented dance artists and raise awareness of the pandemic’s impact on the artistic communities”.